Web Site Link | Description |
www.gapyear.com | Gap year opportunities and information. |
http://www.worldwidevolunteering.org.uk/ | 350,000 placements in the UK and worldwide. |
www.gap-year.com | Gap year advice and advice. |
www.bses.org.uk | Help to take disadvantaged youngsters to remote corners of the world. |
www.frontier.ac.uk | More conservation volunteering opportunities with a qualification opportunity included. |
www.cosmicvolunteers.org | Volunteers can be placed with host families to get a taste of local culture. |
www.projecttrust.org.uk | Advice for volunteers and the parents of volunteers. |
www.earthwatch.org | Volunteering and placement opportunities that are academic and scientific in nature. |
www.campamerica.co.uk | Information about opportunities in America. Lots of camps to choose from for a 9 week placement. |
www.volunteering.org.uk | Lots of opportunities in England. |
www.nationaltrust.org.uk | National Trust volunteering placement. |
www.cactuslanguages.com | Easily accessible placements with an emphasis on language skills. |
www.ihworld.com | Advice about teaching English overseas. |
www.uksa.org | Training opportunities offered by the UK Sailing Academy. |