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We have an exciting opportunity for a member of the community and parents/carers to join our Governing Body at Sir Harry Smith Community College.  Governors work in partnership with the Principal. Their duties are wide-ranging and include monitoring the School Improvement Plan, pupil progress and attainment, recruiting teachers and staff and agreeing school policies.  

Governors are expected to attend 2 full governing body meetings per term as well as participating in school visits to support and challenge the school. These meetings may be held during school time but are usually after school hours. 

We welcome applications from everyone and see the value of the different experiences and skills each applicant will bring to the table.

A diverse governing board will help children from all backgrounds to succeed and thrive – it allows us to create a culture of inclusion, challenge barriers, biases and stereotypes, and provide a wide range of role models for our pupils. We encourage all members of the local community, regardless of age, experience and background, to apply for the role.

All Governors are required to undergo a Disclosure & Barring Check (DBS). The DBS check enables organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to make safe recruitment decisions.

For further information about the role, please contact the Clerk to the Governors Laura Schneikert on 07985755462 or by email


Click here to visit our governing body page